Sunday, July 24, 2011

Top Network Marketing Companies

Article by Andy Geldart

What are the top network marketing companies? These are the giants that have made it to the top many years ago and remain there. You know most of them by name. It all started in the 1950′s and almost like clock work every 10 – 15 years, from 1950 to 2000 there has been a giant in the industry that has emerged.

In 1950 it was the Amway Corporation.

In 1960 it was Avon Products Inc.

In 1970 it was Melaleuca, Inc.

In 1980 is was Mary Kay Corporatio

In 1990 it was Tahitian Noni International

All of these companies made it to the billion-dollar mark. The advantage of course was being in a company like these at the beginning, being in at the ground floor. That’s where the true fortunes are made with the top network marketing companies.

For a company to become the next billion-dollar company what has to be in place, (besides a crystal ball)? The companies’ note above had a number of things in place that we can look at to see how they made it to the top. Things like the management team, funding and a good compensation plan. But the one thing that took them to the top was their product(s). Their product and the timing that product came to market.

When the timing and a great product are combined, it can make you a fortune. What does timing mean. It means getting placed before a “trend” actually becomes a “trend”.

As an example, lets look at how the baby boomers have influenced the market since the 1950′s. There are many trends, but probably the largest trend to ever exist are how the baby boomers affected the market place.

It all started with baby food. There were billions of bottles of baby food sold during the 1950′s. Next it was clothing, shoes and games. As the boomers got older, they wanted transportation, so the auto industry took a huge increase. The housing market came next and this is an excellent example of how great and how devastating trends can be.

In the mid 1970′s to the early 1980′s, the globe experienced the great housing boom that has ever been repeated since. The boomers were at the age where they wanted their own homes and their own families. What happened next though? It was the real estate fallout because in the late 1980′s the boomers were not buying the homes any longer. Real estate developers and builders did not see this coming and were significantly hurt by this fact.

We are now in the mutual fund and investing boom, health and wellness, retirement, estate planning to name just a few.

Go back and look at the top network marketing companies listed at the beginning. What did these companies have in common with their products? The products were consumable; products that are needed practically every day.

Out of the current trends noted directly above, mutual fund and investing boom, health and wellness, retirement, estate planning, the only one, which is truly consumable, is the health and wellness portion.

Currently, the boomers are roughly between ages 43 and 60 and their numbers are close to a billion people. That’s a lot of buying power for this expected exploding trend of health and wellness. To use a term from the 1960′s: “a generation that swore it would never get old” doesn’t want to.

We can ask ourselves “what are the top network marketing companies?” But really we should be asking ourselves” what is the next top network marketing company?” Find the answer to that and you’ll find yourself a chance at a legacy position in that company.

Here’s to your success!

About the Author

Andrew (Andy) Geldart Andy specializes in target marketing for the networking marketing industry.

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